A small and often loud community library, with activities for children and materials for all ages!

The loan period for all items is three weeks.
All items are available for one renewal.
The maximum holds per user is 50 holds. Holds will only be held for up to seven days.
Northern Plains Book Club, Mother/Daugher Book Club and the Disconnected Book Club are offered for the enjoyment of patrons.
Every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m., Story Time is held for pre-school age children.
We deliver to homebound members of our community and are more than happy to supply books, and a smile, to anyone who has difficulty reaching us.
Children can enroll and read during the summer to receive prizes.
This is a free monthly publication highlighting new books with great reviews plus even a crossword puzzle!
We have six public use computers that are available to access the internet, type up documents, or anything else you need. You can also bring your own laptop to access our wireless internet (you must have a wirless card in your computer)! There is no charge for this service or for printing.
Send or receive faxes.
A photocopy machine available for public use.
If you’re taking a class from a remote institution and need to take a proctored exam, the library can help you.

Library Collection
Fiction and non-fiction books for both pleasure reading and reference, from a new bestselling novel to a favorite author. Books on health, fitness, cookbooks, crafts, and more.
One of the most extensive collections of Christian fiction in Weld county. For fiction that has an inspirational aspect, try this collection.
If you prefer (or need) books that have larger than normal print, the library has a collection of both fiction and non-fiction.
Children from toddlers to teens will find great books for all levels: picture books, non-fiction, homework help, novels, and reference.
Like to listen to great books as well as read them? Try out the selection of books on tape and CD’s.
Don’t feel like reading? Check out a movie to watch! The library has both VHS and DVD formats available.
Check out a favorite magazine.
New collection of books in Spanish for adults and children.
Nueva colección de libros en Español para adultos y niños.